Saturday, June 07, 2008

Today we took you to Traintown in Sonoma, and as expected it was a big hit. We rode the scaled-down model train, and while we were boarding you were very quiet as you paid particular attention to the details involved - driver? you asked at one point, pointing to the engine. And very ceremoniously giving the conductor the tickets. I think the highlight of the day though was riding the coin-operated horse, you giggled with pure joy as the horse bounced you about. You fell asleep exhausted in the car on the way home.

You've been fighting your dad and I a bit with naps and bedtime (and the past 2 days, getting up at 5:30 am, ouch), and been having a few tantrums lately - before your terrible twos weren't so terrible. I think it's been an adjustment for you (and all of us) having your little brother in the house. But you are so loving toward him for the most part - giving him very vigorous hugs and kisses, bringing mommy or daddy the pacifier when he is crying, telling him "it's okay, Alex" - a phrase picked up from mommy, and playing peek-a-boo with him (only you cover his eyes instead of yours).

Lately you've loved to ask "What's Ben doing?" or substitute in another person, and the ask the question over and over to see if mommy or daddy change their response. Tonight at dinner we made up a game where you asked "What's this?" to a piece of food - and I would give the wrong answer - "broccoli!" "no!" you'd say "ham!" and in fact you got disappointed if I ever gave the right answer.

You are starting to express super complex thoughts - "Sierra, Dante, ride tractor home Ben's house" or at night, stating your desires for the next day "Go Zoo, in Barn, find goats, mommy come". And telling me he wants to go where Daddy is "Ben take Bart Train, go office". My other favorite thing you do is when you hear words in Spanish you'll say "Dani, Hola" or "Dani, camion" saying what your beloved nanny Dani would say.

Last night during books, Ben pointed to the tool that looked most like his toy drill and said "Ben have this" and then proceeded to ask "Daddy have this?" to all the tools. When he got to the hammer drill Ben said "Daddy have this?" and Daddy said "No" to which Ben replied "Daddy's birthday?" - birthdays have been a BIG topic around the house lately, complete with birthday presents.

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