Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dear Ben,

You are four today. You are amazing. Yesterday you rode on the front of my bike in the Wee Ride carseat to get your haircut, and we talked the whole way about bike lanes, and cars, and speeds. It was clear that you were too big for the seat and this was the last time you would ride in it, and I was feeling pretty nostalgic of all those rides we took when you were a toddler.

Why I think you are wonderful:
1. You have an amazing imagination! Someday we will post your elaborate, 4-page birthday wishlist, that you dictated to your Dad and I - which included remote control airplanes that you could fly in.
2. You celebrate everything. Every day is a party, "Watch This Mom!" Donkey kicks, somersaults, super-fast manuevers on your new remote control car, high-speed pulls on your looping new car track.
3. You give great hugs. Even in your most fierce independent meltdowns, you often let me pick me up and you melt into a hug.
4. You teach me both to slow down and pay attention, and to speed up to catch up with you on your bike! Yesterday you thoughtfully considered which color bike bell to get, and decided on purple.

You are amazing. You are four. I love you.



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