Thursday, March 15, 2007

Just when Ben was starting to feel better he awoke yesterday morning covered in a huge red rash. I took him to the doctor, and after the student docs and two attendings entertained Ben with their glasses, stethoscopes, and good natures, we went home with the likely diagnosis of an allergic reaction to the Penicillin he had been taking for the ear infection. Or was it the black eyed peas he ate for dinner? He doesn't seem to be itching or in much discomfort, but it's unsettling nonetheless...


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Now that Ben is feeling better he's busting out all the new tricks. On Saturday he spent the whole day clapping at the park with his dad while getting excited about the dogs. Now he's been clapping non-stop ever since. Today he pushed his little wagon all across the living room, twice! He'll be walking soon enough.


Friday, March 09, 2007

We are finally emerging from the depths of two back-to-back bugs that took out poor Ben and his parents - first, the stomach flu and then a really high fever and ear infection. Ben declared he was officially feeling better by demonstrating his new trick five times in a row - climbing up the stairs! He is also starting to point at things, and loves "walking" when we hold his hands and let him practice moving his feet.


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

One of Ben's first best buddies and neighborhood playmate, Lillian, moved away today. We can't imagine having survived those first confusing months without her and her mom, Clarissa, and now we'll miss the playdates, babysitting exchanges and endless fun. It was always great watching Ben and Lillian interact - lately Lillian would say "Ba Ba" for Ben and would give him big bear hugs when she would come over.
