Saturday, September 13, 2008

A recent comment by Ben:

"When I bigger I ride motorcycle. Wear helmet, wear jeans. Go really fast." Follow up comment "Boots. Wear black boots and jacket. Go really fast"

Another comment to Mommy from Ben:

"When I bigger, I get big belly and have baby"

I'd say the chances of either happening are about the same ;)

Bedtime is a ritual - sometimes Daddy wins, sometimes Ben wins, sometimes it's a draw. Below is the typical Bed Time Routine:


Daddy announces time for bath and goes up to turn water on and returns

Daddy and Ben go upstairs for bath

Ben Gets out of bath and is toweled off

Ben wears his towel draped around his neck to go downstairs

Ben does his "Naked Monkey" jumping around downstairs

Additional Berries or other snack if Ben still hungry [Optional]

Ben says Night Night to mommy, Alex and any house visitors

Brush Ben's Teeth and put on PJs

Sit in Rocking Chair and read books - typically 2 - one long, one short. A favorite combination is a story from the Big Curios George Book and Every Friday, which was a book that Daddy got for his birthday

Turn out lights, Daddy carries Ben to light switch, Ben gets to turn it out. If Ben refuses Daddy does it for him, which is followed by a big complaint, at which Daddy will turn light back on and give Ben another chance. Repeat, no more than twice.

Return to Rocking chair for songs and/or stories. Typical playlist includes: Twinkle Twinkle, a few Bob Dylan Lyrics, and a free form verion of U2's All I Want is You. Other favorites are "Recapping the Day" or "Little Boy" stories, with the protagonist clearly being Ben

Daddy puts Ben in bed, puts blanket on and says goodnight. Daddy Exits.

20 secs elapse

Ben opens door. Daddy says "Back to bed ben", follows him in, reapplies blanket and says "Night Night Ben, stay in your bed"

20 secs elapse

Ben opens door. Daddy says "Back to bed ben", follows him in, reapplies blanket and says "Night Night Ben, stay in your bed - this is your final warning"

20 secs elapse

Ben opens door. Daddy says "Back to bed ben", follows him in, reapplies blanket and says "Night Night Ben, stay in your bed - I am going to lock the door now." The recent additional comment "I'll unlock it later after you fall asleep" has been made to make everyone feel better ;)

All quiet...hopefully. Occassionaly there will be calls to go to the bathroom (which are always granted and usually warranted). There will be one more warning cycle before the door is re-locked if needed.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Here are some of Ben's musings from today:

"When I get bigger, I do exercises" - [sometimes Mommy leaves Ben with a sitter to go workout]

"I go to Jackson playground, play with ball, go home take nap, when Daddy get home take train. Muni train. Go to ballpark. I sit in seat and I clap, like this" [recounting trip to Giants game in early July, he obviously wants to go again!]


Wednesday, September 03, 2008

This week you lucked out in that you got full attention from two special people: Uncle Sly Dog (not to be confused with the other Uncle Steve) and Aunt Hilary. We drove to visit Uncle Sly Dog in Santa Cruz and you and Hilary (smashed in the back seat) made up songs the whole way - in a bit of harmony with "Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba" being the chief lyrics.

You are still talking about the playground and the tricycles outside of Uncle Sly Dog's place - but mostly you are talking about the big steam engine that we rode - Roaring Camp Railroad.
