Last spring we really enjoyed taking music classes with teacher Seth, and Noreen & Evan (we miss them!). Especially fun was all the instruments that we got to play during many of the songs, including the egg shakers.
Today was the first day of music class for the fall, and a few month break this spring. The room had changed a bit, and there were LOTS of kids. Ben spent the first 15 minutes of class checking everyone and everything out in his classic very pensive way. Even the egg shakers barely got a glance since he was so busy seeing what everyone else was doing.
But when the box of drums and instruments came out, Ben really got in the spirit and started banging away. At the end of the song, when Seth called for "bye bye instruments" and all the kids put their instruments in the box, Ben threw his in the box and then ran to the side of the room and dragged the big tupperware box lid (3 times bigger than him) to Seth in the center of the room.
I'm amazed how much he pays attention, and anticipates! and of course, his ability to move "heaaavy" things - another favorite word of his.
Labels: music class