Three things that have absolutely amazed me about Ben the past few days:
1) he took one of my old gloves, put it on his hand, and pretended to use it as an oven mitt with his play oven
2) he kissed his own shadow when we were walking to the playground
3) he counted to four in Spanish when he was putting his octopus bath toys on their lily pad
He is getting faster and faster everyday, and is almost-running in his trot. He can climb everything, and now drags the red stool into the kitchen, climbs up and helps himself to whatever is in reach (uh-oh). He pretends to jump by bouncing up and down, saying "jump". His new favorite game that we play 3 or more times a day is from our music class - we say "Dance, Dance, Dance" (his version is Daaan! Daaan! Daaan!) until someone yells "Freeze!" and then we stand motionless for a wee bit. Ben is great at the yelling Freeze! part.