Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ben started his first day of preschool last week. He was SO excited to go to Little Bear, and bring his own lunchbox. On the first day, I helped him wash his hands, hang his coat on his hook, and start to get settled into playing legos. When I said I was going to leave he said "Bye Bye Mommy" and was clearly ready to get going.

I picked him up right after lunch the first week, and each time he didn't want to leave yet and wanted to keep playing on the playground. He clearly bonded with one of the teachers, Shibon, who said he is such a "great kid, so easy-going, and played with lots of things and other kids". I think the adoration was mutual since Ben said that she is his favorite and went out of his way to say goodbye at the end of the day. Ben was super excited to go back to Little Bear the rest of the week.

And then he got tired! He refused to nap at home, and all the excitement ended in a bearish child at home who, in retrospect, got a bit of a fever over the weekend.

One of the highlights of Little Bear is bringing his own lunchbox - his old school Mike Mulligan box (thanks Hilary!), and lunch most days is peanut butter (or almond butter) and jelly, and veggies and dip.
