Anger Management 101
Today Mommy and Ben had an "anger management" session to brainstorm ideas on what to do when they got angry...they started with Megan and except where noted, all the ideas in both lists were created by Ben.
Things Mommy can do when she gets angry
- Tell that I'm angry
- Use a quiet voice
- Mommy takes a timeout and the boys rest
- Ask for help (suggested by Mommy)
- Don't thrown anyone
Things Benjamin Granger Freund (Ben insisted on using his full) can do when he is getting mad at Alex:
- Shoot him
- Rocket him
- Blast him
- Touch his hand and say "Stop, I'm playing with this" (suggested by Mommy)
- Fight him
- Give him something else to play with (suggested by Mommy)
- Be quiet
- Eat a cookie
- Eat a banana
- Ask for help (suggested by Mommy)
- Say "Be still David"